ICSA 2025 China Conference

Keynote Speakers


Runze Li, Pennsylvania State University of Statistics

Runze Li(李润泽), Eberly Family Chair Professor in Statistics at Pennsylvania State University. He served as Co-Editor of Annals of Statistics from 2013 to 2015. Runze Li is Fellow of IMS, ASA and AAAS. His recent honors and awards also include the Distinguished Achievement Award of International Chinese Statistical Association, 2017, Faculty Research Recognition Awards for Outstanding Collaborative Research. College of Medicine, Penn State University in 2018 and Distinguished Mentoring Award, Eberly College of Science, Penn State University in 2023. His research interests include theory and methodology in variable selection, feature screening, robust statistics, nonparametric and semiparameteric regression. His interdisciplinary research aims to promote the better use of statistics in social behavioral research, neural science research and climate studies.

Wenguang Sun, Zhejiang University of Data Science

Wenguang Sun(孙文光), Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at Zhejiang University. The current director of the Data Science Research Center at Zhejiang University. Bachelor's degree from Peking University in 2003. In 2008, he obtained his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania under the guidance of renowned statistician and COPSS award winner Professor Cai Tianwen. Wenguang Sun’s main research interests include large-scale statistical inference, integrated analysis and transfer learning, conformal prediction and inference, empirical Bayesian methods, and statistical decision theory. Before returning to China, he served as a tenured full professor at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC) in the United States. He has been selected for the National High level Talent Program, won the Frontiers of Science Award at the International Basic Science Conference, the CAREER Award from the American Science Foundation, and has been awarded the USC Business School Outstanding Research Award and the Golden Apple Best Teaching Award multiple times. Received funding from the National Science Foundation of the United States as the principal investigator (PI) four times from 2010 to 2022. He once served as the editorial board member of authoritative academic journals such as Scientia Sinica Mathematica, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society–Series B, and Journal of Multivariate Analysis.
