Dear Participants,
The ICSA 2025 China Conference hosted by the School of Statistics and Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Beijing Normal University(BNU), is about to take place at the Zhuhai Campus of BNU. We extend our warm welcome to all distinguished guests. Please find below the relevant information for the conference:
Check-in Location: Lobby of Zhuhai Jinghuayuan Hotel (Lobby of Beijing Normal University International Exchange Center). Please proceed to the registration area, which will be arranged alphabetically by Surname, and kindly follow the prompts for on-site registration.
Check-in Time: June 27, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM (Note: Guests who arrive in Zhuhai late on the 27th, please register in the lobby of Zhuhai Jinghuayuan Hotel on the morning of the 28th).
Recently, conference-related information will be updated in real-time. Please pay close attention to it. Thank you for your cooperation!
Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai
报到地点:珠海京华苑大酒店大堂 (北师大国际交流中心大堂)。报道现场届时以按照姓氏首字母为依据进行分组,请各位嘉宾按照提示进行现场报道。
报到时间:6月27日8:00 - 22:00 (备注:27日到珠海较晚的嘉宾,请于28日上午在珠海京华苑大酒店大堂报到)。